Project Description
NOVI assisted in the development of a 1,100 MW natural gas‐fired, combined cycle electric generation plant, located on an 88‐acre site in Charles City County in Virginia. NOVI acquired a site for the project with access to a state highway, 500 kV electric transmission lines, natural gas pipeline, and a refined liquids line. The plant was designed based on advanced natural gas combined-cycle power plant technology and enhanced turbine control systems to enable the plant to be operated as a base load or intermediate plant.
The NOVI team developed the initial concept and layouts, worked with major power generating equipment manufacturers to determine site specific technical parameters, and developed the financial pro forma to support financing. NOVI also worked with local and state governmental officials to gain the necessary approvals and generated interest in the project from several stakeholders. Until project closure, NOVI planned to manage all aspects of final development and implementation of the project.
• H-Class Heavy Duty Combined Cycle plant under active development (1,060 MW)
• Cost competitive project with its strategic location in the Dominion Zone of PJM .
• Fuel from Virginia Natural Gas company’s high-pressure natural gas pipeline on site.
• Water sourced from the James River and ROW secured. Withdrawal permit received.
• Strong local support. All local permits have been acquired.
• All permits received