NOVI Energy contracted with the United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) for three separate Definitional Missions (DM) within their Midde-East, North Africa, Europe and Eurasia (MENA) region for the review of clean energy, methane abatement, decarbonization, and climate resilient infrastructure opportunities and recommendation for grant funding of the proposed activities supporting each project. The first DM was completed between September 2021 and March 2024, while the remaining two are ongoing. To date, NOVI reviewed a total of 30 projects in 18 different countries across the region and Sub-Saharan Africa through a cross-region agreement within USTDA. These projects included a wide variety of technologies, including some novel development for waste-to-fuel, green hydrogen, green ammonia, smart infrastructure, mini-grid, sustainable aviation fuel, and concentrated solar. Through these contracts, NOVI gained considerable familiarity with development requirements and practices in Bulgaria, Egypt, Morocco, Turkey, Ukraine, and several Sub-Saharan Africa countries.
Definitional Missions for Middle East, North Africa, Europe & Eurasia
Sep 2021 Ongoing
Services Used
Concentrated Solar, District Heating, Electric Vehicles, Energy Storage, Geothermal, Green Ammonia, Green Hydrogen, Methan Emissions Reduction, Mini-Grid, Renewable Ethylene Oxide, SmartGrid, Solar PV/Thermal, Sustainable Aviation Fuel, Transmission, Waste-to-Fuel, Water Treatment