Technical Consulting services for synthetic methane production

May 2024 - Sep 2024

A confidential client is developing a clean hydrogen production facility for use with a separately developed, co-located facility for producing synthetic methane (e-methane) in a confidential location. As part of this effort, the client contracted NOVI Energy for consulting services to determine the requirements of the power supply for hydrogen production within established regulations for tax credits. Through the course of these services, NOVI reviewed current and potential future regulations for hydrogen production tax credits per the Inflation Reduction Act, analyzed new generator interconnection processes and the interaction of the many regulatory entities involved with energy generation and transmission within the United States, and assessed various electrolyzer, autothermal reforming, and carbon capture technologies. NOVI then prepared a full analysis of power supply options including estimated costs and provided recommendations for client consideration. The project remains under development.

Services Used

Cost Analysis, Electrolyzer, Energy Storage, Gas Turbine, Green Hydrogen, Power Purchase Agreement, Small Modular Reactor, Solar PV/Thermal, Synthetic Methane, U.S. Energy Regulatory and Transmissions System, Wind