Definitional Mission for Energy Project Preparation Advisory Assistance for the South and Southeast Asia Region

Mar 2018 Ongoing

The United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) funded a Definitional Mission (DM) for their South and Southeast Asia regions to determine which potential projects merit funding consideration. Under this contract, NOVI reviewed a total of 37 potential energy infrastructure projects across the region. These included projects in 12 different countries – Bangladesh, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga, and Vietnam – and a wide variety of technologies.

Services Used

Biofuels, Biogas, Biomass, Energy Analysis, Energy Storage, Geothermal, Liquid Natural Gas, SmartGrid, Solar, Solar PV/Thermal, Technology, Transmission, Waste-to-Energy, Wind
Southern Asia
South East Asia
Southern Asia
South East Asia