NOVI Energy provided technical, commercial, and financial due diligence review and engineering for a small- scale Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) project in Nigeria as part of a Feasibility Study executed through a United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) grant. The project is comprised of a 200,000 scm/day liquefaction plant, transportation fleet, and daughter station regasification facilities at several customer locations. The work for this project included a gas supply assessment and routing survey, market analysis, conceptual design and review of liquefaction and regasification facilities, site geotechnical and topographic survey, environmental and regulatory review, a project risk assessment, development of the project financial model and LNG production cost, and development of a project implementation plan. NOVI worked with Green Liquid Natural Gas Lmtd. and InfraCredit to perform due diligence review and preliminary engineering to secure funding for the Project.
The project successfully obtained financing in early 2023, started detailed design, and is in manufacturing. NOVI Energy was subsequently contracted by GNLG to complete a third-party verification of the design, review the procurement of all major equipment, and monitor the manufacturing process.